Tag Archives: golf ministry

Logos on Tour at the Welsh Open at Celtic Manor

Wales Open – Celtic Manor Resort – Sept 17 to 19

Jaidee at the Open Wales

Jaidee at the Open Wales

One of those weeks where I was bumping into everyone one after the other, which was terrific …. I’d love to say all the chats were God-centred but they covered a wide range; Scottish vote [which was much on the mind of many there], the last few weeks of the season and the job prospects for those on the cut line [players and caddies], new babies on the way and recently arrived, the lamenting of what appears to be the last Wales Open as it isn’t on next year’s schedule and with others how they were being treated by their employers in a variety of roles within the Tour Circus …

In amongst it all one always has the opportunity to point to God in some way or other ….

Did meet our old fiend, Andy Gorman, the putting coach and believer who is doing well with his business but has a few tricky situations in home life, do remember him …

Hennie Otto withdrew after one round, but thankfully not with any recurrence of back trouble, just feeling unwell …Nicholas Colesaerts

There was more buzz than usual at the event due to four Ryder Cup players taking part and speaking of the Ryder Cup do please pray for the “Logos Scotland” meeting in Glasgow on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm (at Easterhouse Baptist Church) and the following week for the “Panel” answering questions at the Dunhill evening on the 1st of October …

Off to Scotland for the next two weeks and with the vote outcome, no visa required!

Ken Revie, Logos Golf Ministries Chaplain to the European Tour

More on www.logosgolfministries.com website

“But if I say, ‘I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,’ his word is in my heart like a FIRE, a FIRE shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I CANNOT.”  Jeremiah 20:9 ….

If Jeremiah couldn’t keep quiet about God, with all that he had to endure, than neither should we …



PGA Championship Wentworth

PGA Championship Wentworth May 21-22Logos on tour at wentworthLogos on Tour at BMW Wentworth

 As always, with this event and the Open, there is much going on in the networking world of golf and the buzz is all around; players galas, various presentations and never ending marketing meetings amongst all the golf business fraternity …. It is always amusing when at the range on the Wednesday, the competition could be “spot the player” for on the range are so many; sponsors, friends, families, management teams etc it can be a little dangerous for the players to swing a club!

There were a couple of little positives; Mark [Pinney] went to the tournament office to attain some passes and at that very moment the official he was looking for was on a call from a pastor from the Liverpool area, where the Open is this year, who was wanting to organise a service/meeting on Open week and so he duly passed this info to Mark, he was glad to hand it over and Mark glad to have it, and who knows!

We also had a visit from an Australian minister who is over in the UK for a busman’s holiday, who got in touch with Logos through our website; and is praying over doing something similar in his home country on their Tour … Mark spent Thursday with him and he is coming over to the Ballymena Strong Towers Society golf day at Portrush later next month where I’ll meet up with him … Possibilities!

Some disappointing news for Hennie [Otto] was that his back went early in his first round and he is out for three weeks … even so, we have a get together arranged for next week in Sweden with the photographer, I talked of in the Madeira update, so I’d appreciate your prayer support there …

“Look at the nations and watch– and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”

Habakkuk 1:5

Ken Revie, Logos Golf Ministries Chaplain to the European Tour




Johannesburg Open South Africa February 03 – 09

Johannesburg Open South Africa February 03 – 09Joburg open Alistair Forsyth at the Joburg open

Been a good trip so far; the study on Wednesday morning at 7am [early risers here] had 20 in attendance … Wouldn’t it be great to see that in Europe one day … I’ve also seen a few of them since for one to one’s, of which more and more are finding beneficial [not at 7am though] …

Our old friend “the caddie” was the first person I bumped into when I arrived at the course on Tuesday morning and he was straight in there with a bible question, and waited for the answer again!

Previous to that I came across a player, on the plane so it was good to share with him, he is also a my hotel so that’s been good … Two long one to one chats in the courtesy cars with players, also long chat with a Scottish professional again, and extended chat with a long time caddie, at the hotel …

I came across one of the manufacturer’s reps, from Callaway so it was good to let him know what I was doing there as well as the survey, which he of course is much involved with ….

There’s been a lot of bumping into a diversity of; officials, car drivers, media and I had a day with the Irish Golf Union team who were playing in the SA Amateur Championship where our own Dermot McElroy from Ballymena came in second …

I go to the next venue, East London, on Monday afternoon …. It’s a black dominated area and a bit of a dodgy environment where you are “warned” not to go out anywhere, on your own or with others, after dark, indeed, even before dark!

Buying shotgun to take with me …

“After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.’  Genesis 15:1

Ken Revie, Logos Golf Ministries Chaplain, to the European Tour http://www.logosgolfministries.com/lgmontour.html